Billion Dollar Mark

Billion Dollar Mark

We launched The Wholesale Formula in 2015 to start teaching and mentoring others how to sell on Amazon using the same strategy we used to build a multi-million dollar business.

In 2018, we asked students of The Wholesale Formula to share their revenue numbers… we were shocked and delighted to discover that our students had sold over half a million dollars on Amazon!

So we decided to go back to our students again in 2020 and ask them the same question… how much have they sold now?

Their answer floored us…


For those that don’t want to count the zeros, that’s over a BILLION dollars sold by the students that responded to our survey…

The Wholesale Formula teaches you how to build a sustainable business on Amazon, but the real goal of it is to give our students the tools they need to realize their dreams and accomplish their goals…

Over the years, TWF students have quit their jobs, gotten out of debt, become financially independent as young as 19 years old, lifted themselves up and off of welfare, put themselves and family members through school, and given themselves the freedom they deserve…

As we did last time we made this announcement, let’s look at the numbers…

We sent out a survey to our 4,800 students inviting them to disclose their Amazon results…

960 of our students responded with a combined revenue of $1,057,143,592!

That’s an average of $1,100,000 per student… wow!!

$1.1 Million dollars is a life-changing figure…

There are a couple of important notes.. first, that MOST of our students didn’t respond to the survey which means that figure is probably much higher!!

And the other thing to note is that some of our students don’t make any money at all with TWF for one reason or another – and we highlighted that fact last time for good reason: TWF is NOT a get rich quick scheme, it’s a formula for building a real business by leveraging the Amazon seller marketplace.

Speaking of the Amazon marketplace – this past year has been wild!!

The global pandemic affected a lot of people around the world, some bad, some good. We all watched in dismay and with concern as local businesses shuttered and people lost their jobs. However, for our students, and anyone selling on Amazon, we experienced something completely different – a massive boom in sales.

A sales boom so big that Amazon had to hire 400,000 new employees in the BIGGEST non-wartime workforce ramp-up in history!!

Between Black Friday and Christmas of 2020 Amazon sellers surpassed $4.8 billion which is an increase of 60% over 2019. Amazon sellers represented approximately 60% of all sales on Amazon during that time period too!!

This is awesome news because it continues a trend that we’ve seen year over year – Amazon is growing, and its 3rd party marketplace is growing!

Consider this:


This means that if you had started selling on Amazon in 2015 (The first year we launched TWF!!) then you would have hitched your wagon to a business that grew by 90% and generated an additional $164 Billion for their 3rd party sellers

Amazon is an amazing opportunity, and it’s going to continue to grow and be an Amazing opportunity as Amazon cedes more and more of its revenue share to 3rd party sellers and continues to expand and add new infrastructure.

As for us, we want to keep teaching students how to earn a living and build a business using Amazon 3rd party selling and we can’t wait until we pass the $1.5 Billion mark for our students!

Hopefully the next time we check-in, you’ll be part of the success stories we share!

For more information about how this information was gathered, please see our Earnings Disclaimer.